Karalyn Klepper Karalyn Klepper

Unveiling the Magic of Custom Kitting: Elevate Your Business with Prep Partners

What is custom kitting? Custom kitting is the art of assembling products into unique packages tailored to meet specific customer needs. It involves combining different items and presenting them in an appealing and personalized manner. Think of it as creating curated gift sets or product bundles that add value and delight to your customers' experience.

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Karalyn Klepper Karalyn Klepper

Navigating Shipping Delays in 2023: How to Address Common Issues and Maintain Customer Satisfaction

In 2023, the ghost of shipping delays that haunted us in 2022 continue to linger, causing disruptions in global supply chains and frustrating customers worldwide. While many of these reasons seem beyond control, there are effective strategies merchants can implement to address and prepare for these challenges in order to maintain positive customer relations.

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Karalyn Klepper Karalyn Klepper

Streamline Your Ecommerce Order Fulfillment with a 3PL: Unlocking Efficiency and Minimizing Errors

Partnering with a reputable 3PL, such as Prep Partners, offers a multitude of advantages, including flexible warehousing solutions, cost-effective shipping, streamlined business structure, focused leadership, proficient management of fluctuations, and advanced technology-enabled inventory management. Take the next step towards streamlining your operations by contacting Prep Partners today.

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Karalyn Klepper Karalyn Klepper

The Ever-Rising Growth of eCommerce: Insights into 2023 and Beyond

As we cross the halfway mark of 2023, it's evident that the trajectory of eCommerce continues to soar, building upon the impressive growth witnessed in the fourth quarter of 2022. The U.S. Commerce Department reports that last year's strong Q4 contributed to the most substantial year-over-year growth in U.S. eCommerce in the past seven years.

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